About me

A lover of beauty and creativity, which have always been the engines of my life.

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About me

Describing Dominique in 40 words is like reducing the famous symphony n. 5 by Beethoven (which lasts 50 minutes!) in the famous ta-ta-ta-taaa motif !! Solar person, jovial, affectionate, extroverted, altruistic… .. in one word: "Artistic and beautiful person" !!
Orchestra director
The interior design and the creation of decorative furnishing elements, such as the "jewel cakes", express the great professionalism and sensitivity of Dominique as an Interior designer, constantly looking for originality and harmony in the details, elegance and uniqueness of the surprising final result.
Lara Vinciguerra
Lecturer, expert in social psychology and head of the Logos association
A charming woman inclined to welcome and disseminate art in all its forms. I met her as President of the Sporting club in Siponto, where she flooded summer evenings with music and culture, from pop to opera that united us in the spell! Her eyes, between the blue and gray of an Arctic sunset, see beauty even where it is not, and here her mastery, endowed with her also with a creative intuition, creates beauty without artifice; mirror of her being authentically chic.
Francesca Rinaldi
Dominique ... talented and always amazing! His "Jewel Cakes" are like music for our eyes ... ... and how "Music" enchant, give moments of happiness, nourish the soul ... surprise and amaze at the same time! This gives us Dominique ...!
Orchestra director
Dominique does many beautiful things but, in particular, his "Jewel Cakes" are one more beautiful than the other! You have an innate talent for putting together colors, fabrics…. Guranizioni of all kinds to create special and wonderful things!
I met Dominique during the preparation of my wedding. By working and having little time to think about all the details, I fortunately found in her the necessary support and support. She understood me on the fly ... without too many explanations ... and she made sure that everything was exactly as I had imagined that day! The attention you paid to every little detail made everything truly flawless and original.
I saw Dominique about two years ago on the occasion of a Fidapa conference. I was invited, with great surprise, to Dominique's house ... versatile and refined hostess. At the same time, I was amazed and enthusiastic! Everything in her house told of her life, of her immense creativity and genius. Believe me ... whoever comes into contact with this extraordinary Lady, can hardly store it in her memory!
National Past President Fidapa Bpw Italy
I met Mrs. Dominique on the occasion of important events in Puglia. I was immediately struck by her class, kindness and skill with which she creates Exclusive creations with techniques that only she knows and uses! Those who have had the pleasure of being closer to them will not be able to forget of her the modus operandi of her and all, not only people of high lineage, they might appreciate her talents!
Vice President I.M.A.H.R. (International Maîtres Association Hotel Restaurant)

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The Jewel Cakes